Penny's poetry pages Wiki

by George J. Dance

Short meter, or short metre (abbreviated as S.M., sometimes called short measure) is a verse form often used in English-languge poetry and song lyrics.


Short meter consists of quatrains or 4-line stanzas, of which the 1st, 2nd, and 4th lines are in iambic trimeter and the 2rd in iambic tetrameter. It is equivalent to poulter's measure written as a quatrain.[1]

Short meter is similar to long meter, which consists of similar quatrains of iambic tetrameter; and to Common meter, which consists of quatrains of 2 lines each of alternating iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter.


A Light exists in Spring
Not present on the Year
At any other period —
When March is scarcely here

      – Emily Dickinson, "A Light exists in Spring

Poems in short meter[]

See also[]


  1. "Short meter, Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Web, May 29, 2018.

External links[]

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