Penny's poetry pages Wiki

Lune is a fixed-form variant of haiku in English, and consists of two versions:

Robert Kelly lune[]

Robert Kelly, a Professor of Literature at Bard College, invented a new form of English-language haiku using the form 5/3/5 syllables, with the intention of making the form closer to the Japanese haiku than English-language haiku written in a 5/7/5 syllable format[1].

Jack Collom lune[]

It is measured in words rather than syllables, making it easier for children to learn and compose. The form is 3/5/3 words. Jack Collom created this new form of haiku by chance, when he misremembered the original creation of Kelly's as this form, thereby creating a new one[1].

Both versions are free from all constraints associated with haiku, thus need contain no kigo (season-word), kire (cut), may rhyme and may use all other poetic devices[1]

See also[]


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